"Be soft. Dont let the world make you hard.
don't let the pain make you hate.
Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.
Take pride eventho' the world may disagree, you still believe it should be a beautiful place.."
Last 2 days the wheater in Jakarta seems freakin insane. it was heavy rainy yesterday. i feel like its 6pm when in reality its 11am!! today the sun shines extremely hot! tambah 1 derajat jakarta beneran step gw rasa!! and the next 3 hours the wheather changed to the opposite situation.. hujan badai lagi!! omaygattt!! saya ngga bawa payung hari ini.. haduhduhduh.. mudah2an aja ngga macet dan bisa pulang dengan selamat. amin. ayodong plis stop buang sampah sembarangan. atleast itu yg bisa gw lakuin sekarang. karena sepedahan ke kantor masih rada males.. hehe.. ayolah jaga lingkungan. jangan sampedah kejadian 2012 kaya di pelem kejadian!
So which one do you choose:
Peace on earth or earth in pieces ?
u decide. u act.