Saturday, May 15, 2010

"kalo aku lagi susah, aku selalu inget suatu hari nanti..."

..selama ini aku selalu setia disamping kamu.. apapun yg orang bilang.. buat aku kmu tetep yg terbaik.. susah.. seneng.. semuanya aku jalanin.. aku terima apa adanya.. tapi liat.. liat apa yang kamu lakuin ke aku? :'( 

You know those purity rings that say True Love Waits? I don't have one, even though I wholeheartedly believe in its message. But you know what I'd really like to see? A T-shirt that says Love Takes Time...

I'd love to be with someone. But guess what? I'm not about to change what I love about myself, morals and all, for some person who I just met. I'm not going to abandon my old life for some random new person, either. True, I might have a lot of solitary days ahead of me, but when I do meet the person that wants me for me and nothing more, I won't have to wonder. I'll know because, as you know, true love does wait. And anyone who doesn't want you to wait or doesn't respect you? Then, damnit, you know that's not true love. I don't know about you, but I'm not about to settle for anything less than the real thing. I have too much respect for myself to do things any other way. I hope you do too, friends.

 If the other person is worth it, I mean really, really worth it, they'll respect your needs and desires to go at a pace you feel comfortable with.

That's beautiful, if you ask me. Where you really get to know the soul of the other person.Why allow things to move so fast, so quickly? If it's meant to last, it will. Why not slow down and smell the roses along the way? Nothing in this world is more important than taking care of yourself, and putting yourself first. xoxo


"Jani, kamu bahagia hidup sama aku?"
"kenapa kamu nanya kayak gitu?"
"gpp.. kamu bahagia?"
"Aku bahagia.."
"Kamu harus bahagia, Jani, suatu hari nanti aku pasti bisa bikin kamu bahagia."
"Aku percaya.."