I want a guy who will be my best friend. We will share secrets and inside jokes. He’ll make me laugh till i cry. I want a guy who can be romantic. I want him to run his fingers through my hair and kiss my forehead. I want to be able to cuddle him until the sun rises. I want a guy who will treat me right. He will make me dinner and compliment me on my outfits. He will take me out on dates and bring me on walks in the park. He will call me beautiful. I want a guy who I can have fun with. I want to be able to go on endless drives singing at the top of our lungs together. I want to dance in the living room at midnight to a loud, crazy song. I want to slow dance at sunrise to silence.
I want a guy who will comfort me when I need to be comforted. I want to be able to cry on his shoulder as he hugs me and tells me everything will be all right. I want him to bring me my favorite ice cream when I’m moodswing. I want to feel safe in his arms.
I want a guy who will love me more than anybody or anything in the world because I will sure as hell love him more than anybody or anything in the world.
♥and i found him, ACHMAD IRFAN FADLY. thanks ;)