I know it might be boring to read lots of cheesy craps but I sometimes need to pour out my inner thoughts and writing is better than talking to a headshrinker who studied bullshits and tell what problems you’re having. No I don't have any problem (at the moment), I just feel like it's the time to share something personal. If you care enough, keep reading. If you don't, I'm gonna keep on typing anyway.
It all started when I read this :
" When faced with an uncertain future,
the question we truly hate to ask are the ones we fear we already know."
I don't know how to tell myself to stop thinking about the future and everything too much. It's hard to picture what it will be like in the months to come, but I can catch a glimpse of it with a contemplation. After last time's sucky drama I had, everything is runny smoothly now. It took a long time to finally have that perfect happiness which I hope, I deeply hope will last long. But you know how people say things could change drastically when it's beyond physical contact? I've always been far away from everyone I love but I taught myself to be patient though it actually kills. And this time will be hella harder since my heart skips a beat over and over. Too much thrill and awesomeness going on, I could die from imagining not having those anymore.
I'm scared of change. But I promise to work for it cos it's worth fighting for. And wherever that happiness comes from, I will always give all my heart even from a distance.
I love you mom & dad :')