Monday, November 30, 2009

girls come and go but true friends last forever..

there was a time in my life when girl friends came first…before boys, before family, before me. i would do anything for my friends. in my eyes, they were my world and therefore i was a damn good friend. the kind of friend who would make picture collages just because. the friend who always made sure to buy gifts and cards for lebarans and birthdays. the friend who would fight if it meant having my friend’s back. i was that friend…until those same “friend” broke my heart.

Lesson learened!! girls can be deceiving, malicious, bitchy, jealous and if you’re like me then you’ve already learned the hard way. we can complain about it and wonder why we don’t have more girl friends but the fact is there will always be girls like that, no matter how old we get. so do we continue to bitch about it or learn from it?

these days, i’ll admit i’m a hard person to get to know. i let very few people in. i trust little. i cannot handle bullshit. if the friendship is one sided, i’m out! super needy friends make me vomit. crazies don’t have a place in my life. i like competition but not amongst friends (unless we’re playing uno, then it’s on). i hate liars and yes i judge.

sounds harsh, i know, but being this way protects my heart and allows me to eliminate those that fake the funk while holding on to the ones that matter. in the end, it's all about the friendships that will last forever...forever friends...even if it’s a select few.

real friends are better than more friends.

{and just so you know, i’m a damn good forever friend}

xoxo, Anissa.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Before you judge me, try hard to love me."

I just woke up from my real quick nap and cannot get my dream out of my head. I was at Michael's funeral, and his entire family was there. I was holding him, just squeezing him as hard as I could, and he was still alive. I was crying uncontrollably but I felt so much love and such a bond with him. I left for a minute and then found Michael again in the hallway. I went up to him to give him a kiss on the cheek, but instead he turned and kissed me on the lips. The Michael section of the dream ended there, but that is one dream I will never--and never want to--forget. I think, in some strange way, somehow, that was really Michael coming to me. I do believe in Heaven or Hell, and I know Michael is in a better place, and I am so glad I got to meet him in my dream the way I wanted to see him in this world; as my love.

I love you MJ. Forever.

My King

Thursday, November 26, 2009

the FIRST post

Hello and welcome to my little place in Cyberspace! I'm glad you're here! I'm a part time program secretary with big dreams of working for a New York City glossy someday, so I thought it only prudent that I get on the blog bandwagon while blogging is still considered fresh, cool and hip. and i'm also a full time waiter, so i'll wait like forever for my so-faraway-hubby .. :)

What’s better than redefining love altogether? Injecting my own brand of quirkiness into it – in heavy doses. The way I see it, love and relationships are like a one-way street always under road construction. You can see your destination, but can't quite get there, right? And let's not even get started on all those confusing signs pointing every which way.

But really, what does it mean to love in today's world? What is it that keeps our blood pumping and our hearts racing? And why is it so damn hard to find The One? Come along for the journey; you might learn a thing or two about yourself along the way.
